Hi Rigidus, Thanks for doing that! I'm glad the article is generating interest in your community as well. I have a few Russian friends myself, so I know how they argue :)
Static/Dynamic typing is a fairly religious debate and it always gets lively (as you can probably see from the back and forths here as well.) Most people react from their own personal experience because there is only limited science behind it. I found the following two resources useful in providing some early scientific data (neither is conclusive, but both are interesting and need further evaluation. https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~filkov/papers/lang_github.pdf and https://vimeo.com/74354480
Re. my own career path, you can share with them summary of my linked in, which is pretty current: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anurag-mendhekar-b071b/